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The 2019 Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19)


The newly discovered Coronavirus virus (also known as 2019-nCoV) is an infectious ailment affecting over 172 countries worldwide, causing over 18 000 deaths to date (WHO Situation Report-65, 2020). As the pandemic continues to affect as many as 30 countries in our region, our aim is to keep our beneficiaries informed through vital information sharing.

Symptoms of the virus can appear from mild to moderate respiratory illness, requiring no special treatment to recover. However, the elderly and persons with underlying health conditions such as chronic respiratory disease, cancer, diabetes, asthma, hypertension, and cardiovascular disease are more susceptible to developing serve illness.

Proper hygiene and sanitation practices are strictly advised as there is no vaccine identified at this time to treat the Coronavirus. Below are facts and protection and prevention controls measures you should adhere to as we face this pandemic.

COVI-19 Explained

Health and Safety Measures

Social distancing is the term used to explain a set of infection control actions that aim to stop or reduce the spread of a transmittable virus. To minimize transmission, individuals who are not infected by the virus and practice social distancing reduce the possibility of contact with a person who is infected.

Transmission can occur if an infected person’s cough or sneeze droplets or saliva gets in contact with another person who is free from the virus. This is why persons are asked to stand at least 1 meter away from other persons during interactions. Other forms of transmission include any type of physical and indirect contact such as touching a contaminated surface.

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