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Inside our guide is all you need to know about your contributions and doing better business with us.

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Name Description Downloads Version Last Modified
Name Description Downloads Version Last Modified
751 downloads 1.0 20-06-2023 14:46
7271 downloads 20230215 15-02-2023 7:21
631 downloads 20230215 15-02-2023 7:21
Re-declaration form 604 downloads 1.0 08-12-2022 8:42
609 downloads 1.0 12-08-2021 9:30
656 downloads 1.0 12-08-2021 9:28
NEW 484 downloads 1.0 12-08-2021 9:25
1815 downloads 2015 07-01-2020 10:39
The Medical Benefits Scheme Employers' Manual is a guide to ensure compliance with the MBS laws and regulations.  Find information inside from how to register your business, rates of contribution, taxable and non-taxable allowances to our comprehensive audit process by our team of invigilators. 5291 downloads 1.0 08-01-2019 12:07
This for is for persons appling for a Temporary Residence stamp or applying for Citizenship. The immigration letter has a fee of $15 which is to be paid to the cashier. 1960 downloads 1.0 09-10-2017 8:21
This form is for the sole purpose for members that are applying for a new work permit or renewing their work permit. You fill out this form and there is a fee of $15 attached that you will need to pay to the Cashier.  2205 downloads 1.0 09-10-2017 8:20
The form is required for when your new MBS Smart card has be misplaced, stolen, damaged or if you would to make any changes to the card (ie. name change). The fee for the replacement card is $75.00. If your card was stolen and you have a police report the fee is lowered to $25.00.  2214 downloads 1.1 09-10-2017 8:18
The A1 Authorization form is for persons who would like to have a authorization card. this form is to be filled out and signed by the beneficiary and the person has to option of choosing up to 3 persons would he/she would like to collect on their behalf. the form also must be witnessed by someone who knows the beneficiary but isn't one of the collectors.    N.B If card is lost or has to be replaced the is a $5 fee. 2012 downloads 1.1 09-10-2017 8:18
The A2 Authorization form is a certification form to facilitate beneficiaries (ie disabled, elderly,minors) who are not competent to complete the form.  This form should be completed and signed by a person of  the following designation and station, whether currently employed or retired:
  • a Magistrate,
  • Notary Public,
  • Minister of Religion qualified under the law to perform marriages,
  • Professional Engineer,
  • Professional Accountant,
  • Police Officer(Gazetted Rank),
  • Bank Manager,
  • Registered Medical Practitioner,
  • Dentist,
  • Permanent Secretary,
  • Principal Assistant Secretary,
  • Principal  of a Primary or Secondary School,
  • Head of Government Department,
  • Barrister-at-Law, Solicitor or Attorney
who has been personally acquainted with the applicant for no less than two (2) years and resident in Antigua and Barbuda.  N.B If card is lost or has to be replaced the is a $5 fee.
1906 downloads 1.1 09-10-2017 8:17
The contribution status form is for persons requesting letters to show that their contributions are up-to-date. These letters are requested by both individuals and companies.  2319 downloads 1.1 09-10-2017 8:17
This form is for the purpose of notifying the Medical Benefits Scheme when you close your business. This allows the Scheme to close your account. Failure to properly notify the Scheme may cause unwanted correspondence and/or additional contacts for estimated arrears as your business may be viewed as owing outstanding contributions. 2352 downloads 1.1 09-10-2017 8:16
This form is for self-employed individuals and business owners.  2703 downloads 1.0 09-10-2017 8:08
This form is for the registration of new businesses or if you are re-opening an old business which is registered under a new name.  2926 downloads 1.0 09-10-2017 8:05
Need some help with filling out the R3A?? This form provides you with the steps and procedures for filling out the R3A.  2620 downloads 1.0 06-10-2017 15:42
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