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Vision Statement

To be a model organization, which is customer-oriented, and renowned for its service excellence, integrity, accountability and fairness.

Mission Statement

To contribute to the improvement of the quality of life in Antigua and Barbuda, by:

  • Providing beneficiaries of the Scheme with access to healthcare services;
  • Promoting public awareness of the importance of adopting healthy lifestyles; and
  • Providing financial support for the construction and maintenance of healthcare facilities and infrastructure.

Core Values

Service Excellence

We will endeavour not only to meet, but also to surpass public expectations through:

  • Providing services at locations that are readily accessed by beneficiaries;
  • Providing timely and reliable services;
  • Using customer satisfaction surveys as the basis for continuous improvement.


We will be effective stewards of the resources with which we are entrusted. We will:

  • Maintain effective mechanism to ensure that all contributions due are collected on a timely basis;
  • Exercise prudent financial management and accounting disciplines;
  • Adopt a framework of transparent, public reporting.


We will foster and develop partnerships with stakeholders and other entities in the pursuit of matters of mutual interest.

Education and Awareness

We will promote the adoption of healthy lifestyles to complement our programs of curative benefits.

Human Resource Development

We recognize that our human resources are among our most valuable assets.  We are committed to equitable hiring, remuneration and promotion practices, and the continued training and development of our staff.


We believe that our success is dependent on our ability to work together, within and between departments, on the basis of mutual trust and respect.


Fairness, honesty and integrity will be the hallmarks of the way in which we do business.

Information Systems

We will leverage on information systems to enhance our service delivery, and as the basis for identifying and analysing trends to support critical decisions.


We will be sensitive to, and adaptive to, the dynamic environment in which we operate.

What we do

The Medical Benefits Scheme (MBS) offers financial assistance and pharmaceutical supplies to qualified residents of the twin island Caribbean state of Antigua and Barbuda. Our beneficiaries are also entitled to refunds for services rendered through laboratory tests,X-rays, surgery, ultra sounds, electrocardiographs or similar services, hospitalization and drugs. The MBS also provides financial, managerial and medical supplies to the local hospital and health clinics.

Brief history

Established under the Act, Cap 271, of the Laws of Antigua and Barbuda, the Medical Benefits Scheme was originally designed to assist beneficiaries, particularly those suffering from certain chronic disease. In 1998, the Act was amended to expand the scope of the Medical Benefits Scheme and in 2010 a new Medical Benefits Act was passed by Parliament. The following year, the Medical Benefits Regulation, 2011 came into effect. Section 26 of the Medical Benefits Act details the application of revenue (the Scheme).

Download the Medical Benefits Act and Regulations below

Name Description Downloads Version Last Modified
Name Description Downloads Version Last Modified
4571 downloads 2011 10-10-2017 8:54
2511 downloads 2010 10-10-2017 8:51

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  1. The revenue of the Scheme for any financial year shall be applied in defraying the following commitments—
    1. the payment of benefits;
    2. the salaries, fees, stipends, remuneration and gratuities of the officers, and employees, and technical and other advisers, of the Board including payments for the maintenance of the Pension Scheme established under section 22;
    3. programmes and activities geared to promote and maintain good health; and
    4. any other expenditure authorised by the Board and properly chargeable to the revenue account;
  2. The commitments described at (a), (c) and (d) shall be subject to actuarial recommendation in accordance with section 60.
  3. The Minister, on the advice of the Board, may make Regulations for the apportionment and allocation of contributions in respect of the various commitments of the Board.


The Scheme is currently funded by 3.5% contributions deducted from the earnings of insured persons and matched by an equal amount by the employers.

For purposes of determining deductions of contributions, the following must be taken into consideration:

  • Overtime payment
  • Cost of living bonus
  • Additional payments for dependants
  • Supplements for long service industry or efficiency
  • Commission or profit on sales
  • Gratuities paid by the employer
  • Payment for night or shift work
  • Production bonus
  • Danger or dirt money or similar payments
  • Service charges
  • Any employee’s liabilities (including tax) paid on his/her behalf by the employer
  • Holiday pay or other amounts set aside out of the employed person’s remuneration throughout the year or part of the year to be paid to him/her periodically.
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